Spirituality and Summer Musings


Photo by Michael Held on Unsplash

Lost and Found

lost and found

know, they do not

Know, only He does

patience and hope.

pain and torment

outside and inside

racing and ruminating

comfort and ease.

thanklessness and dissatisfaction

ingratitude and nafs al lawwamah (the self-reproaching soul)

defiance and struggle

i know, i feel, but, Know, He does.

nothingness and sustenance

non-existence and existence

darkness and light

creation and Creator.

frustration and despair

difficulty and discomfort

outside and inside

body and spirit.

found and lost.

found in darkness, only to be lost in the light.

Though my body continues to be drenched in darkness, my spirit becomes illuminated.

Though the angst dulls the portrait, The Light adjusts my perception.

The next moment.

The dull portrait ceases to exist.

The vivid movie continues.

Rewind. Lost and Found.

By Fida Rahman


The desire to own something for the sake of it gives pain. And when you own it, the idea of losing it causes pain. And when you lose it, that also causes pain. Hence, so long as we cling to worldly things, all we can possibly acquire is pain, anxiety and suffering.

The desires of humans are limitless. But our power is not limitless.

Limitless desires can only be satisfied by being connected to that which is eternal (Allah SWT).

Those who achieve that state, realise that happiness is not attained by taking, but instead by giving. The Muslims who understand this give their worldly wealth away without expecting anything in return. Their only wish is for Allah SWT’s contentment to be upon them. This brings them the ultimate wealth — Allah’s pleasure.

To attain Allah SWT’s pleasure, we must love what we love for the sake of Allah SWT, and we must always think of Allah before we act (Taqwa).

By Junaid Ahmed



UNSW Muslim Students Association

Showcasing the intellectual and creative works of young Muslims from UNSW